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No rights reserved.Injekuta RgRegular2.001;TYPO;InjekutaRg-RegularInjekutaRg-RegularVersion 2.001InjekutaRg-RegularRay LarabieRay LarabieThis font has been released under a no rights reserved Creative Commons Zero license. Please do not ask permission to do anything with these fonts. Whatever you want to do with this font, the answer will be yes. Please read about the CC0 Public Domain license before contacting me. To the extent possible under law, Raymond Larabie has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this font. 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No rights reserved.This font has been released under a no rights reserved Creative Commons Zero license. Please do not ask permission to do anything with these fonts. Whatever you want to do with this font, the answer will be yes. Please read about the CC0 Public Domain license before contacting me. To the extent possible under law, Raymond Larabie has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this font. This work is published from Japan.InjekutaRg-RegularInjekuta Rg)z8EJSbt"'.9=HSZhlv|#17e=Vnx#.3EN_ )1hty CKP\afiow} &8=GKRY]dirw    % ) .&$ _ H9_ 4 *x' $f_L.l4 AJ6~AP*|$95+\`Ɠ' " 4 `^[dfe-$55%/ wy! , G:8 ~ݚ|%ǔW w}$0 &{O_  ƵM 4}i%: K'1DoQ }9 , ! [v# U5wv( YPh  @9>Rv) Cfg ދߨ4 74 K * ` ` N^770 5wv( ~ v9( w.sw440 04 Bs#IG a  ;L ! ,W v8 >"P  Ʒ ; 0 v9. + M y N_ G - ncw20 G:8 v9(9 v. 8 <"!  = ~  t ! 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